Monday 18 November 2013

Street Preaching Part 8

Street preaching is tough, no doubt, and I applaud ANYONE who attempts to go out and "make a fool of themselves" for Christ, because this has to be one of the most thankless things you can do, especially these days.

However, I do think there are things, suggestions, that might be helpful in honing this activity and doing it so that it can have the most benefit. Of course first and foremost one should be scripturally sound in doctrine being presented.

This article lists some additional helpful suggestions if one feels led to preach on the streets:

Something that isn't mentioned, but that I personally believe is the most important factor regarding this or anything else we take on in trying to please the Lord, is to pray. If one does preach on a street corner, yet does all the things on the list of what not to do, yet however has prayed for the Lord's blessing on his efforts, I believe that the Lord still can use even the most beggarly offerings for His ultimate good in someone's life. Again that proves that it is His workings, not ours. He only needed a few loaves and fishes to feed thousands, so He can likewise use our measly efforts to do really magnificent things. We need to be obedient to God's calling, and whether other people judge it as good or bad isn't as important as what God will do with it, and what He will say about it in the end. It's so much easier to criticize others and not do, than to show others how to do it right by going out there and doing it...isn't it? I've been praying for the Lord to send out more workers for the harvest is great and the workers are few.


  1. So true! I do not have anything to add to that. Thank you for reminding me that the Lord is gracious to use even our most beggarly offerings for the sake of the kingdom.

    1. Thanks for your comment and for visiting. That is an article I need to revisit and pray about often...however, just because we fall short of the high standard, it shouldn't stop us from speaking up about Jesus. I know I fall short, yet I still talk about Him to the best of the gifts He has gifted me with, and my shortcomings keep me humble and remind me that His will is that everything we do in His name will bring honor and glory to Him because of His divine interventions. :) We won't get much honor and praise for doing His work here because the devil is the "god of this world", but Jesus shows us that He strengthens us through the knowledge that He has overcome this world. God bless you and keep you Committed Christian, and to God be all the glory. <3


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Colossians 4:6 Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.

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