Tuesday 31 October 2017

Frank’s Christian Blog

I love Frank’s Christian Blog.

I love how he explores the topic of each of his posts with such thoroughness and the British tones and accent give a wonderful and warm tone to his musings.

In exploring his blog yesterday, I came across a post where he talks about his times of doubt in his Christian faith, and sums up his human frailty with the wisdom of Solomon.

As Christians we all do have doubts from time to time. Mine don’t take the same form as Frank’s do, yet of course I do at times suffer from feeling down and then sensing a doubting spirit trying to crush me, to defeat me, or at very least disable me from bearing any fruit of the Spirit of God. I don’t doubt God nor His promises, my doubt is self-directed, and it eventually brings me to the understand that my focus is too much on myself and my inabilities rather than keeping my focus on Jesus and what He has done for me. This brings to my mind the problem  the Apostle Peter experienced when he struggled to walk on the water because his gaze was on his surroundings and his inability rather than keeping it on the Lord.

But do check out Frank’s thoughts here:


I’m sure you will find a blessing to think on today 🤗

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