Monday 30 October 2017

About Halloween

Every year I see the decorations out on people’s lawns, and the ghosts, and witches and pumpkins for sale in the various shops, even supermarkets, and of course the many blogsters and Facebook posters who denounce it as evil, demonic, satanic, devil worship. And of course then there are those who say they hand out Bible tracts instead of candy, or hand out candy and say “Jesus loves you” etc. Can one celebrate Halloween as a Christian by having a “harvest festival “ and having the kids dress as Bible characters? is also debated as well.

My husband and I do not put a pumpkin on the porch, and certainly don’t have witches and ghosts decorating our lawn. We choose not to give it any recognition at all, leaving the lights out, and sometimes leaving the house to go out to dinner until we think it is late enough to be safe to go home. I certainly won’t argue with anyone who thinks they might reach lost children for Jesus by handing out tracts, the Lord can and I’m sure does use that to save someone at times of His choosing. It just isn’t something that has been laid upon our heart to do such a thing, but I do not subscribe to the “cookie-cutter Christian” idea that everyone must do it the way I think it should be done. YES there is freedom in how the Spirit moves us to do or not do.

1 Corinthians 10:31
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.


  1. I totally agree, Susan! My husband and I leave the house dark on Halloween. But I believe that Christians who are led to pass out tracts along with candy may be used of God to plant Gospel seeds in this way. His ways and thoughts are higher than ours, and we shouldn't try to put God in a box. God bless you.

    1. Amen!! God is too incredible to fit into any box conceived by any man...or woman ;)


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