Saturday, 11 August 2018

God’s Word to Us

What a blessing that the Lord would supply us not only with life and the things pertaining to life; food, water, air to breathe, and the beauty of creation all around us; but also His word which are not only His instructions, but also His warnings and promises, both conditional and unconditional promises.

The Flutterbys blog is mainly for musings, home and garden updates, and also to look at controversial topics, to examine things that are happening in the world by trying to make sense of it through the lense of God’s word. I hope you’ll join me there and perhaps share your thoughts on the timing of the rapture and the coming of the Lord. The link to my Flutterbys blog is located on the sidebar ——>

Let’s use scripture to explain scripture and not base it on traditions and feelings and excited utterings. I do not deny prophesying, but let’s not put the cart before the horse by basing scriptures on prophecies (eisegesis), instead of examining prophecies on the plain reading of scripture  (exegesis).

Hope to see you there ❤️