Monday 21 November 2016

Maintaining my focus....

I am resolving to do a couple of things differently in regards to these two blogs of mine and keep with the original intent more consistently (I hope, lol) and make Susan's Flutterbys about day to day life and recipes, photos that I take (unless there is a scriptural connection) and keep this one strictly on the topic of anything scriptural such as things regarding the church and poetry and music and Christian books and authors, sermons etc, as well as any musings that I have on Bible passages.

Currently I'm reading a wonderful book by Henry M. Morris entitled  "The Biblical Basis for Modern Science". I had begun reading this many years ago, and somehow life intervened and got me sidetracked (imagine that!!) and I'm finally getting back to it. I have already had so many wonderful insights from it and will share a few in the next couple of blog posts.

Be blessed my brothers and sisters in Christ, and pray that you will be prepared for the day that you will meet Jesus face to face.

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Colossians 4:6 Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.

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