Friday, 17 May 2013

Loaves and Fishes

All our offerings, whether it be money, or thanks, or prayers, or good deeds, are meager especially when we consider the truth of the fact that God gave them to us first, and we only return a small fraction back to Him. That is NOT TO SAY to not offer them, but IT IS TO SAY that we shouldn't think highly of ourselves for it. If anything, our measly returns to God should humble us into realizing just how deficient we are. But Jesus showed us that in His hands, a little becomes a lot!!! All glory and praise go to Him for it, and thereby we receive a true joy that goes beyond our simple understanding, knowing that God can use even such a one as I, the chief of sinners. If that is depressing, or it seems that I am beating up on myself, that is what the flesh wants to believe. When I do feel depressed, I see that I want to be elevated, and that runs contrary to the truth. The truth is that our vileness, our fallen-ness being transformed by God is not to our elevating, but to our humbling that God was willing to stoop into our dirt. That is cause for rejoicing, and not depression. When I do feel depressed, I can look to other people (like "everyone else" does?) to lift me up...( and as Israel also mistakenly does when she goes to her neighbors like Egypt for help) or I can remember that God is with me even in my darkest hours, and that the darkness has no power over me thanks to Him...and I do thank Him, that my couple of little fish and loaves of bread (that He had given to me) are enough for Him to turn into something awesome, to help feed others who haven't yet received that fellowship with Him.


  1. Here's to loaves and fishes miracles this weekend:)

    1. Hi Ma,

      It was a good weekend :) the Lord always is true to His word and does much more than we realize or give Him thanks and credit for ;)


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