Sunday, 22 July 2012

It's a Pity

The way I see the word "pity" used these days brings up an image of someone who disdains the unfortunate by having a haughtiness while looking down at other people's misfortune.  I've often seen it used in such a way, and also that it is wrong (politically incorrect) to pity other people's misfortunes, that to feel pity is somehow demeaning. More and more it seems that it is more acceptable to be cold and unfeeling rather than to feel pity.

Merriam Webster's definition of the word "pity":

1. sympathetic sorrow for one suffering, distressed, or unhappy b : capacity to feel pity
2. something to be regretted <it's a pity you can't go>
  1. She has had a hard life and deserves your pity.
  2. I felt deep pity for the lost dog.
  3. He didn't live to see his daughter grow up, and that's a pity.
I think God pities us, I think Jesus pitied Jerusalem when He wept (see link for image above).  I think the word "pity" has become distorted just as the word "charity" (God's perfect love) has devolved to now mean giving your cast aways and left overs to the poor. 

I think it would be good if we all felt a good dose of pity for the weak, the perishing, and the lost. Did "pity" get a bad rap because of "Mr. T"?


  1. I love the Mr. T picture:)

    I agree. Jesus had pity on the people. I am beginning to think He truly had to have known what it was like to be one of us.

    Interesting stuff!

    1. "I pity the fool..." ;-)

      The meanings of words are getting turned around, and there is a corresponding shift in "consciousness". We think in words, and when the words get changed it changes how we think. I wonder if this is being deliberately orchestrated, or if it just happens over time no matter what. Language seems to be a fluid thing, in the 1500-1700's the English language looked much different than it does today. I've seen things written in an English from earlier periods that were very difficult for me to read. Do these changes happen concurrently? or do they happen separately and have effects on each other simultaneously? It's hard to say, but it is good to ponder on these things. :)

  2. Thank you, Susan, for visiting The Santos Times and for your kind comment. I really like your blog and your love of the Word. I will be coming back to visit more often. Praying also for Lucy. God bless you.

    1. Hi Mrs Santos! Thank you for visiting too! You are so talented with the camera and the captions, love it because I feel like I get to enjoy little glimpses of the people and things you love with you.

      I just got caught up with Lucy's blog today, they had some great news! The biopsy came up clear of cancer! Halleluja! so she was able to go home to be with family again! I will continue to pray for them too, but am so glad that the Lord is allowing them more time together right now. :)

  3. Great post. I fully agree - we need to restore the word pity to its rightful and respectful place.

    1. Been thinking on the disintegration, and how it effects our language. I think they go hand in hand.

  4. By the way, I love Mr. T's gold chain. Maybe I could get one of those with a Jesus fish on it.


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